Tag: team building colorado

Controlling Your Personal Control Needs

Controlling Your Personal Control Needs

I recently wrote a three-part series on reluctant new managers. One cause of reluctance that I wrote about was due to a…
It’s here: our audio team building program for small businesses

It’s here: our audio team building program for small businesses

Maximizing Team Effectiveness Audio Program This program is designed for small teams or businesses who want to take their team to the…
There’s Still Time: Avoid the 5 Costliest Mistakes Teams Make

There’s Still Time: Avoid the 5 Costliest Mistakes Teams Make

Does your team suffer from: A lack of focus Hoarding resources within silos Marginalizing people in the work place A patchwork approach…
The 5 Costliest Mistakes Teams Make: Free Webinar

The 5 Costliest Mistakes Teams Make: Free Webinar

Date/Time: Wednesday, April 28th; 12:00 – 12:45 mountain standard time Are your teams struggling and as a result costing your organization millions each…
Recession Depression

Recession Depression

Recession depression is definitely impacting your people. What is recession depression? It is fatigue. It is low morale due to the way…
Unspoken Expectations

Unspoken Expectations

One of the most frustrating experiences people can have in the workplace is when there are unspoken expectations between a team member…
They Don’t Revolve Around You. Remember Who You Serve.

They Don’t Revolve Around You. Remember Who You Serve.

What’s your role in your organization? Who are your customers – internal and external? A common mistake that I see too many…
My 6th iPhone

My 6th iPhone

I am on my 6th iphone. Yup, number 6. The problem is that the phone does everything really well, except make phone…
Are You a Dream Manager?

Are You a Dream Manager?

The Dream Manager is a quick read and very inspirational. Get some great ideas on how you can create remarkable results by…
Out on the Ice

Out on the Ice

Out on the Ice I went ice climbing this past Sunday in Rocky Mountain National Park for the first time this season.…