Tag: Empathy

Embracing Discomfort: The Path to Growth

Embracing Discomfort: The Path to Growth

Last week, I completed the Ned Gravel Bike Race in Nederland, CO. Starting at 8,250 feet above sea level, the race featured…
Navigating the Fog of Change Blog Image

Navigating the Fog of Change in the Workplace

Navigating the Fog of Change in the Workplace We left our high camp, a mountain hut at 16,404 feet, at 11:30pm. Our…
Tuckman's Stages of Teamwork Model

Tuckman’s Stages of Team Development: A Guide for New Executive Teams

Tuckman’s Stages of Team Development: A Guide for New Executive Teams As executives, stepping into a leadership team often involves navigating the…
Navigating the Matrix Organizational Structure: A Guide for Leaders Blog Image

Navigating the Matrix Organizational Structure: A Guide for Leaders 

“Finding the person who will step up and say ‘I own this’ is tough to find.” “The ability to prioritize with two…
3 Easy Ways to Create New Leadership Habits

3 Easy Ways to Create New Leadership Habits

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” I love that quote by Aristotle because…
5 Easy Tips to Build Empathy at Work & Home

5 Easy Tips to Build Empathy At Work & Home

“I’m just not empathetic. And, I don’t understand why it’s important. People have equity in this company so that they work hard.”…