New Podcast Episode – Executive Presence to Drive Connection and Credibility

Executive Presence to Drive Connection and Credibility

Executive Presence Matters. It’s the secret sauce for building credibility and connection at work. Unfortunately, many leaders haven’t taken the steps they need to align their brand with their presence in a virtual and hybrid world.

In this powerful episode, Sal turns to the expert Rosemary Ravinal, a former international media executive and broadcaster with more than three decades of corporate communications experience in organizations such as Avon, AT&T, A+E Television Networks, Discovery Channel, Sony Ericsson, Toyota, and Univision.

The start of COVID created a forced learning of zoom call communications, with minimal to no training. Rosemary discusses a multitude of ways to show up as a leader on your zoom communications, from your appearance, to your background, to how you express yourself. 3 years in, people still haven’t made these adjustments which shows a lack of credibility.

Take a moment to listen, you’ll walk away with some powerful insights on how to:

  • engage your audience
  • improve your executive presence
  • elevate your ability to connect, influence, and be more credible.

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