While plenty of management wisdom has focused on leadership and teamwork, relatively little attention has been paid specifically to emerging leaders–people who have recently been or are about to be promoted to supervisory or managerial positions.
Emerging leaders are usually bright, talented, and rising stars in their organizations. The challenge is that most new leaders are promoted, because they were good at what they did in their previous role, without any training and development. As a result they are often out of their element, unprepared, and even scared. And with good reason, because like so many people who have greatness thrust upon them, their handling of the often-rocky transition to manage their former team members will affect not only their future, but that of their company’s as well.
Now Sal Silvester’s timely book, Ignite! competently fills this void. In this how-to business book, Sal, a veteran of corporate potential maximization, shows the path to igniting the potential of new leaders. He begins with a learning parable that illustrates the pitfalls and possibilities of leadership at every turn. But Ignite! is more than just a story. It incorporates for the first time Sal’s People-First Leadership™ model that gives new leaders all the tools they need to elevate their effectiveness as team facilitators. By highlighting common errors that new managers make, Sal accelerates the transition to competent leadership and showcases the characteristics successful leaders must bring to the workplace.
Ignite! is Sal’s clever and actionable contribution towards smoothing the path to effective and seasoned leadership that enables leaders to ignite their potential and the potential of the people around them.
Ignite! Facilitator’s Guide
The Ignite! Facilitator’s Guide provides trainers, coaches, and even managers with all the tools they need to run a multi-day or multi-month leadership development program based on the People-First Leadership™ Model outlined in Sal Silvester’s book Ignite! The 4 Essential Rules for Emerging Leaders.

These are the same materials we use in our 6-12 month leadership development programs. The guide includes:
- Overview of the People-First Leadership™ model
- Considerations for preparing for and delivering a leadership development program
- Scripted talking points that guide the facilitator through a full-day, multi-day, and even up to a 6-month leadership development program
- Outline and question flow for three 1-1 coaching sessions with the program facilitator/coach
- Customizable power point slides
- One participant workbook*
- One copy of the Ignite! book
- One Interaction Guide
- A poster of the People-First Leadership™ model
*A participant workbook is required for all workshop/program participants.
View Program Overview | View Sample Facilitator’s Guide | View Sample PowerPoint
Ignite! Participant Workbooks

These are the participant workbooks that accompany the Ignite! Facilitator Guide. The workbooks provide key activities, reflection exercises, tools, and templates that enable participants to ignite their leadership potential.
Ignite Interaction Guide

This handy guide provides a picture of the People-First Leadership Model, Principles to Communicate Assertively, Steps to the Feedback Conversation, The Building Blocks of Feedback, 4 Steps to the Delegation Conversation, and how to Delegate Situationally. It’s a perfect pocket reminder for keeping some of the core People-First Leadership principles visible.
The Ignite! Package

The Ignite! Package provides 1 Facilitator’s Guide, 10 copies of the Ignite! Participant Workbooks, and 10 copies of Sal Silvester’s book Ignite! The 4 Essential Rules for Emerging Leaders.