Becoming a Better Leader: How to Start, Manage, and End Your Day with Intention

Becoming a Better Leader: How to Start, Manage, and End Your Day with Intention

In a solo episode of my podcast, I dove into a topic I’ve been wanting to cover for a long time: in fact, it’s one of the most important and often overlooked aspects of leadership… 


Anyone can optimize their entire day when they start, manage, and end it with intention. 

Let’s jump right into some highlights from this insightful podcast, with practical strategies for overcoming the challenges we all face. 

#1 Start Your Day With Structure

Think about a morning when you were in a rush, maybe running late. You end up skipping really important things like eating well or some kind of mindfulness practice. Even if you’re not in a huge rush, one common way to immediately derail your morning is the instant digital engagement that happens just after you wake – checking your phone, scrolling through social media, etc. 

Like many of the executive coaching clients I work with, you may not have any particular morning routine at all. That’s a problem. Because without structure, your morning can easily become chaotic. Remember, the tone that starts the day sets the tone for the rest of the day. 

How does your day begin? It’s often a predictor of how the day will go. Acknowledge what’s working for you – and what’s not.

#2) Channel Your Inner Professional Athlete to Shift Your Mindset

Envision how a professional athlete might start their game or an important event. Very rarely do they purposely start their event in a state of chaos. They usually have some kind of pre-game routine. 

Think of yourself as an organizational or leadership athlete.Start your day with your own unique pre-game routine.

#3) Embrace Your Individuality to Set Your Intention

Your routine will be a highly individualized process based on a number of factors, such as, your:

  • household situation
  • personality type
  • own unique needs

5 Simple Leadership Tips to a More Intentional Day

Here are five simple tips to help you craft your morning routine:

  1. Plan ahead. Do activities  like preparing your clothes, your meals and your to-do list the night before so that you’re avoiding decision fatigue at the very beginning of your day. 
  2. Establish a routine. Try incorporating activities like meditation, journaling, reflection, some kind of physical activity. 
  3. Limit digital distractions. Avoid checking your phone until sometime after your morning routine. 
  4. Set clear intentions. Define what you want to achieve today, this month, this year. Connect to that bigger picture.
  5. Create a positive environment. Keep your space organized and uplifting. This way, the space that you’re in as you’re starting your day is setting a positive tone for the day.

Ways to Become More Productive Throughout the Day

Think about your time differently. For example, I started to see my calendar as a reflection of the choices that I was making throughout the day. So instead of prioritizing what’s on my calendar, I spend more time now calendaring my priorities.

Take control of the choices that you’re making throughout the day. Try these tools:

Identify when you’re most productive. Everyone has a peak performance time in their day where they’re most alert and focused. And it’s in that time that we should try to schedule our most important work. Use that time for tasks that require more deep thought.

Use only one to-do list. Consolidate all of your tasks in one place – instead of using multiple systems, which can get confusing. This will help you prioritize more effectively. 

Block time in your calendar to avoid always focusing on the “urgent.” Urgent items are typically those that need to get done now that are other people’s priorities. You need to figure out how to protect your time, where you’re scheduling blocks for focused work that you treat as non-negotiable.

End Your Day With Intention

Ending the day with intention is just as important as starting with intention. It will not only help you get better sleep, but will set you up for success the next day.

Remember, what works for you at the end of your day might not work for someone else. Here are some tips to create your end of day routine. 

  • Disconnect from work, set boundaries 
  • Reflect on your achievements
  • Incorporate gratitude
  • Be consistent in your practice

My Intention Challenge for You Today

Just like an elite athlete has a pre-game routine, think about yourself as a leadership or an organizational athlete. Create a pre-game routine for your daily game. Think about how to incorporate breathing, gratitude, visualization, mindfulness, reflection, stretching, fitness, whatever works for you. 

As a reminder, pay attention to energy patterns: 

  • Where are you most productive? 
  • What time during the day? For how long? 
  • What’s the duration of that productivity? 

Try to slot some key activities into those energy patterns so that you can be most productive. Lastly, end your day with intention.

Want even more great tips? Listen to the full podcast here.

Ready to lead your team through change with confidence? Download our Navigating Change Toolkit for actionable tools to help your team transition smoothly and boost performance. Start optimizing your day with intention today!

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