Future of Leadership Blog

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt From everyone at 5.12 Solutions –…
What Guides You? These Will Help…

What Guides You? These Will Help…

Everything in life is a choice. How do you make your choices? What are they based on? When we are clear about…
The Choices We Make Create the Life We Live

The Choices We Make Create the Life We Live

I wanted to share a quote from a book called The Rythm of Life by Matthew Kelly. “Everything is a Choice. This is…
Create Your Best Year Yet!

Create Your Best Year Yet!

In a recent post, I mentioned that we all respond to our environment in a natural way. Sometimes our responses produce effective,…
What is your Team’s Stance?

What is your Team’s Stance?

In my work with Senior Leadership Teams, I’ve noticed that teams respond to their environment in a natural way. Sometimes their responses…
Tips for Onboarding Seasonal Employees

Tips for Onboarding Seasonal Employees

Today’s post is from a guest blogger Kyle Lagunas. Whether you have seasonal employees or not, I think you will find this…
Everything DiSC Work of Leaders

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders

Interested in learning more about DiSC? Join us for an upcoming showcase on December 13, 2011 from 10:30am – 12:00pm in Denver,…
Happy Thanksgiving: I am Grateful for You

Happy Thanksgiving: I am Grateful for You

Hello Everyone I wanted to wish you all a very healthy and happy Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving for me is a time of reflection…
How to Show Gratitude

How to Show Gratitude

There couldn’t be a better week to talk about gratitude. So in the spirit of Thanksgiving, here are some ideas to show…
How Effective Are Your Meetings?

How Effective Are Your Meetings?

The challenge in many organizations is not just that there are too many meetings, but that there are too many poorly run meetings.…