Future of Leadership Blog

Team in Name Only? Or Real Team

Team in Name Only? Or Real Team

Team in Name Only Unclear purpose, unclear agenda Individual egos, goals, and silos first Fear of debate, how others will react Meetings…
5 Quick Communication Rules for All Leaders

5 Quick Communication Rules for All Leaders

Rule #1: Do not avoid the difficult conversations. Your people will know, and you’ll lose credibility in their eyes. Rule #2: Everything you…


Go directly to each other with issues – in person. Give each other the benefit of the doubt. Keep the overall team/organizational…
More Thoughts

More Thoughts

Hold each other accountable. Don’t wait for the boss. It takes too long and generates politics. Find your singularity of purpose. If…
What Will You Stop Doing? (Part 2)

What Will You Stop Doing? (Part 2)

In a recent blog post I stated that the number 1 reason why senior leadership teams aren’t more strategically focused is…. “There isn’t…
One Opinion You Don’t Need

One Opinion You Don’t Need

As heard in one of my team coaching sessions last week from a participant… “If two people agree, you don’t need one…
What Will You Stop Doing?

What Will You Stop Doing?

The number one reason why senior leadership teams don’t focus on more strategic things is….. “There isn’t enough time.” This came up…
Just Ask…

Just Ask…

Have you ever wondered what is motivating to your people? It’s important to know, because as leaders, we need to tailor everything…
No Agenda? Seriously?

No Agenda? Seriously?

Are you tired of showing up at meetings and not knowing why you are there to begin with? That seems to be…
What Stifles Conflict in Your Organization?

What Stifles Conflict in Your Organization?

Healthy conflict. Dialogue. Debate. Too often teams avoid it. Why? Here are three reasons. 1. Organizations are overly focused on efficiency –…