Future of Leadership Blog

Virtual Team Members

Coaching Remote Team Members

The coaching process is critical in any workplace relationship. In fact, we’ve found in our leadership development and executive coaching programs that coaching is a critical…
Stop Light Grid

Assess Performance, Then Coach

Do you want to make your coaching efforts more effective? If so, you’ll need to be able to measurably assess your people.…
How to Structure Your 1-1 Coaching Sessions

How to Structure Your 1-1 Coaching Sessions

As we wind down the year and look toward the next, there isn’t a better time to step up and engage more…
The Coaching Conversation

The Coaching Conversation

So – you want to be a better leader? One way is to start thinking about your interactions from the perspective of being a coach.…
Halftime Adjustment

Make Your Meetings More Effective – Half-time Adjustment

Do you want to make your meetings more effective? Here’s a simple tool to help you out. I call it the “half-time adjustment.”…
The Role of a Mentor

What Great Mentors Do

The word “mentor” is used in a variety of contexts in today’s workplace. Sometimes it refers to a senior person who formally…

The Yes And Myth

The latest workplace communication craze called “Yes and” has recently been popularized by team builders and improv folks who’ve never stepped into…
Leader Without A Paddle

Arrogance Disguised as Selflessness

Imagine this. A new Vice President joins your organization from a similar company in the same industry. Only his former company is bigger…

Transitioning to Senior Leadership: Research on Emotional Intelligence

In the past 3 posts I’ve made the case that the most important mindset shift a leader has to make to be successful in…
Downward Leadership Spiral

Transitioning to Senior Leadership: Identifying an Aware Leader

If you missed Part 1 and Part 2, read those first. Then come back here for more details on the shift from being Smart to being Aware.…