Future of Leadership Blog

Transitioning to Senior Leadership: Leading with Awareness

Transitioning to Senior Leadership: Leading with Awareness

In our last post, we began exploring the first shift leaders need to make to be successful in senior leadership roles – from…
Smart to Aware

Transitioning to Senior Leadership: From Smart to Aware

In our recent survey about senior leadership, we asked senior leaders the following question. “What do you wish you knew more about prior…
Senior Leadership Step

Efficiently Transitioning to a Senior Leadership Position

My wife Rachel and I have an 8- month old. During Rachel’s  9 months of pregnancy, everyone kept saying to us –…
Peter Lurking

Don’t Let Peter Get You

Meet Peter. He is a force to be reckoned with. He silently follows you around. Lurking. He watches you when you aren’t…
Holiday Star

Happy Holidays!

From the team here at 5.12 Solutions Consulting Group, we wish you a happy holiday season and health, fulfilment, and prosperity in…
How to Deliver Recognition

How to Deliver Recognition

Last week, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I shared some information on how to recognize people in the workplace. So, to continue on the…
Recognition and Gratitude

Recognition and Gratitude

Thanksgiving is a time to express gratitude. As leaders, we can show our people that we are grateful for their contributions to the…
The 4-step Feedback Process

The 4-step Feedback Process

Most leaders struggle with how to give team members feedback. Use this model to provide feedback in a way that will engender team…
Denver Broncos

How to Deal with the Unexpected Loss of a Leader

As most Denver Broncos fans know, John Fox, the Broncos highly respected head coach, went into unexpected surgery this past Monday to…
Sal Silvester

Sal Silvester on News/Talk 710 KNUS

How do teams sustain beyond the unexpected loss of a leader? It’s a question that the Denver Brocnos are dealing with now, and…