Hi-Tech Treasure Hunt
5.12 Solutions is one of the first Colorado-based training companies to integrate the booming sport of geocaching with team building. Armed with a Global Positioning System (GPS) device, compass and map, team members work together to navigate through a course and find hidden cache points. Once found, teams may have to complete an activity, solve a problem or brainstorm on a business related topic. This unique format allows team members to experience the dynamics it takes to successfully communicate and collaborate. This program is designed for people of all fitness levels and requires no previous GPS experience. It can be a stand-alone program, combined with insightful personality profiles or integrated into a multi-day offsite or strategic planning session.
Team Benefits
- Enhance problem solving and decision making skills
- Discover each member’s personal leadership style
- Build interpersonal and relationship skills
- Transform conflict into teamwork
- Develop coaching and mentoring skills
- Enhance communication skills
- Learn to lead and manage work place change