Tag: alignment

Change the way you think

Change Your Thinking

Today’s environment calls on leaders to think differently. COVID-19 has shown us that there is not always a playbook to call upon,…
Align Your Team

Align Your Team

The first week of January is over. Are your people aligned? Is every team member, from your front line employee to supervisor…
3 Ways to Derail Team Formation: Part 3

3 Ways to Derail Team Formation: Part 3

Here is the third excerpt from our recent article on 3 Ways to Derail Team Formation. In Part 1 of this post I talked about…
A Common Leader Mistake: Part 5

A Common Leader Mistake: Part 5

Another  common and costly leader mistake that can result in a loss of credibility and trust. MISTAKE: Leading with answers instead of…
Clarity of Purpose

Clarity of Purpose

What is your team’s purpose? What is your team supposed to do that no other team does? These are important questions for…
The 3 Critical Ingredients to Making Values Work

The 3 Critical Ingredients to Making Values Work

How many SOPs does your organization have? Do you have SOPs on how to write an SOP? What core values guide the…
Will You Take the Plunge This Summer? You Have Nothing To Lose

Will You Take the Plunge This Summer? You Have Nothing To Lose

Last week I had an amazing hiking, camping, canyoneering trip in Zion National Park. I “took the plunge” so to speak in…
The 5 Costliest Mistakes Teams Make

The 5 Costliest Mistakes Teams Make

Date: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 Time: 12:00 PM – 12:45 PM MDT You have been telling us you want to know what…
Do You Have the Courage to Lead?

Do You Have the Courage to Lead?

Climbing at 19,000′ in Ecuador Just because you have the title of “leader” doesn’t make you are a leader. And just because…