Transform Managers into Coaches

Transform Managers into Coaches offers an innovative approach to both train and equip leaders to be great coaches to their employees.  Managers come away with the skills and technology they need to build important coach/coachee relationships with their team members that lead to better business results.

We all know that the annual performance review is going by the wayside.

The cumbersome process leaves managers feeling drained and employees devalued. Let’s face it, this dreaded beast of a process provided little in the way of measurable results compared with the time and effort required. Even the giants who set the annual review standard, such as General Electric, are singing a different tune.

There’s an emerging way of thinking when it comes to team member development and performance.

It’s a shift away from a stack ranked annual performance review and a move toward ongoing dialogue between the leader and team member. This requires a mindset shift for the manager to be a coach and the employee to take greater responsibility for their career and development. It’s called Agile Performance Management and we have a solution that will transition your organization to a coachable culture.

Transform Managers into Coaches is designed to arm leaders with both the tools and the technology to be great coaches.


Through this interactive program, managers will learn how to:

  • Assess team member performance to best align their coaching approach.
  • Apply a framework for how often and when to coach their team members.
  • Adapt to different personality styles, priorities and motivations of team members.
  • Modify their coach approach based on team members’ competence and confidence levels.
  • Conduct coaching conversations.



With our proprietary, web-based Coachmetrix technology, we’ll arm your leaders with a one-stop coaching portal to support the entire coaching process.  Using Coachmetrix your leaders will be able to:

  • Create and track ongoing dialogue with their team members
  • View and update action plans allowing for complete transparency between the team member and leader on development areas.
  • Provide ongoing pulse feedback on the team members’ performance toward goals.
  • Send out pre and post messages prior to 1-1 coaching sessions.
  • Store confidential notes about team members.
  • Repurpose tools, articles, videos and more so that team members always have access to the resources they need most on their mobile device.

Interested in getting started? Contact us today so that we can provide a customized framework and quote based on your specific objectives.

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