
For many senior leaders, promotion is just the start of a whole new set of unexpected problems. Many for the first time are asked to work on multiple teams with peers who have competing priorities. They might now be responsible for areas of the organization in which they don’t have technical expertise. And it’s not just about the teams they lead anymore, because now there’s a broader spectrum of constituents with which they have to engage.

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Find out if the Unite! Leadership Development program is right for your senior leaders!

If your senior leaders are like many other tenured and experienced leaders, they are probably results oriented, motivated by challenge, but struggling with leadership behavioral tendencies that have a bigger impact on the organization. In fact, they are probably trying to navigate the following challenges that the Unite Leadership Development Program is designed to address head on:

The four challenges limiting senior leader effectiveness:

  1. Looking smart. When leaders are focused on looking smart, they tend to be less conscious of their impact to people, process and the business.
  2. A problem orientation. Leaders with a problem orientation focus on solving one problem at a time. They see a problem and they fix it. They see another problem and fix that one too. It’s a never-ending process of tension and relief as problems arise and the leader fixes them.
  3. A focus on compliance or consensus. Leaders with an overly aggressive style tend to create compliance, where team members comply because of an external source of motivation. Other leaders, with an overly agreeable style, focus on gaining consensus. The avoidant tendency that comes with this style often results in unproductive behaviors being tolerated in the workplace.
  4. Over emphasis on task management. Managing tasks is important and critical work at every level within an organization, but as a guiding orientation, it’s narrow, siloed, and mostly about getting things done. Senior leaders who play the role of glorified project managers get stuck in the status quo.

What organizations really want for senior leaders:

  • You want self-aware leaders who ultimately have a deeper understanding of themselves and the impact they have on others so they can maximize their relationships.
  • You want leaders with an outcome orientation who have a broader perspective and take a more systems approach so they operate at the right level. It’s an approach that requires leaders to (1) think beyond their own functional area, (2) consider a longer-term view, and (3) build people capacity.
  • You want leaders who are able to align their teams and build commitment instead of compliance or consensus.
  • You want leaders who are evangelists. They are supporters and representatives of a cause and focused on ensuring that the right things are being done in alignment with the vision and guiding direction of the organization.

These objectives are not only obtainable but can be achieved in a very short period of time with a structured approach that provides support along the way.

The solution? The Unite Leadership Development Program. This unique leadership and training program accelerates leadership development, resulting in senior leaders who have a vision, can align their teams and champion execution.

What you receive with the Unite Leadership Development Program

Prior to the program we conduct a thorough needs assessment to better understand your business strategy and challenges. We employ a disciplined measurement methodology that is unparalleled in the industry and we guarantee behavioral change, because we can prove it.

Participants read Sal Silvester’s book Unite! The 4 Mindset Shifts for Senior Leaders as pre-work.

The program begins with a series of leadership performance workshops (onsite or offsite).

Participants receive verbal and/or online 360 feedback using The Leadership Circle or other 360 profile.

Participants create an online action plan using our proprietary Coachmetrix technology.

Structured and time sensitive follow-up creates accountability to ensure that each leader gets better.

  • Ongoing feedback and feedforward is provided by on a regular basis through our Coachmetrix app to provide proven and measurable behavioral change.
  • Follow-up Leadership Performance Sessions are conducted on a regular basis and produce valuable insight as leaders discuss current challenges and apply leadership tools to address those challenges (sessions range in duration from two hours to one day).
  • Executive coaching sessions occur between Leadership Performance Sessions to help senior leaders learn more about themselves and their impact to people, process and the business.
  • Personality style profiling helps the senior leader expand their self-awareness, create an intentional executive presence and adapt to their different stakeholder’s needs.
  • Individual reflection field work assignments help leaders create their own philosophy around leadership and align their words, values, and behaviors with action
  • Just in time content is delivered through our Coachmetrix app to provide tools on a second’s notice.

Is the Unite Leadership Development Program a fit for your senior leaders?

The Unite Leadership Development Program has been run from a variety of industries including technology, manufacturing, healthcare, products, and federal government agencies. If you have made it this far, you might be interested in taking the next step.

If so, connect with us to schedule a complimentary Leadership Development Insight Session where we’ll explore your business challenges, current leadership capabilities, results you’d like to achieve, and determine if the Unite Leadership Development Program is a fit for you.

The conversation will take about thirty minutes and can be done in person or by phone. Simply complete the form below to schedule your session.

Schedule Your Leadership Development Insight Session Here

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