Commitment not Resolutions

I was reading the Wall Street Journal this morning and they had an interesting article about keeping resolutions. According to the article, only 19% of people who make them actually stick to their vows for two years. The article went on and talked about other discouraging statistics about New Year’s resolutions.

Instead of making resolutions this year, make a commitment. Make a commitment to your health,  your relationships, your finances, your career and to other important aspects of your life. Make a commitment by creating a plan and a support structure to keep you accountable and on track.

If you would like to be guided through this process, consider joining me for my upcoming seminar Ascend 2010. This full-day seminar will be both practical and inspirational. This year we have a line-up of speakers and panelists who are experts in career development, personal finances, and health and fitness.
Ascend 2010 will help you:

  • Take action to start a business, make a job transition, or enhance your career.
  • Create a personal financial plan.
  • Achieve your health and wellness goals.
  • Clarify your life’s purpose and your vision.

And, when you get two others to register with you, the fourth is f-r-e-e!

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