New Podcast Episode – Is It Worth It?


Our Future of Work conversation continues with Kermit Randa, a results-driven executive with extensive experience driving sustained profitable growth through customer-centric cultures of accountability and positive employee engagement. In this episode, he shares his insights on how employee’s attitudes and expectations around work have changed. In addition, we discuss why employees are asking the question “Is it worth it?” and how the answer to that question may be driving high levels of attrition. Kermit offers a change framework and accompanying strategies to meet this challenge, enabling leaders to guide their people through this whitewater period.

If you are formulating your Future of Work strategy, consider trying our AIM (Align, Inspire, Measure) process. This powerful and simple planning tool is designed to help you create intentional communication, achieve clarity, and build buy in. Download our Change Plan Worksheet to guide you through each step in more detail. Put this tool to use and watch your people accelerate their commitment around your Future of Work plans.

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