Tag: Communication

How to be a mindful leader

How to be a Mindful Leader In a Distracted World

As our world grows in complexity and the pace of change increases, it will be incumbent upon leaders to be mindful. To…

How to Communicate During Times of Crisis

If you think it feels a little chaotic right now, you are not alone. The COVID-19 virus is spreading, Russia and Saudi…

The Yes And Myth

The latest workplace communication craze called “Yes and” has recently been popularized by team builders and improv folks who’ve never stepped into…
Leadership and Conversations

Leadership and Conversations

I recently read an article in the Harvard Business Review, Leadership is a Conversation, by Boris Groysberg and Michael Slind. As of…
Can or Can’t?

Can or Can’t?

Do your conversations typically start with “can” or “can’t?” One generates dialogue. The other shuts it down. If you answered “it depends,”…
Are You Seeking Agreement or Commitment?

Are You Seeking Agreement or Commitment?

A challenge in too many organizations is that teams and leaders often seek agreement instead of commitment. You probably know what I’m…
3 Ways to Generate Dialogue in Meetings

3 Ways to Generate Dialogue in Meetings

I often hear leaders say “I want my people to contribute more in our team meetings.” What most leaders don’t realize is…
Communicate What You Need

Communicate What You Need

When people don’t communicate what they need, it results in a lose-lose for themselves and others around them. I recently experienced this…
Four Excuses to Scare off a Customer…Forever

Four Excuses to Scare off a Customer…Forever

Here are 4 real-life excuses that will scare off a retail customer every time. Excuse One: “It’s our policy.” Ah, the dreaded…
Tip 23: Own Your Feedback

Tip 23: Own Your Feedback

One of the most frustrating experiences I have had when interacting with others is when I receive feedback from someone who decides…