Tag: leadership development boulder

One Opinion You Don’t Need

One Opinion You Don’t Need

As heard in one of my team coaching sessions last week from a participant… “If two people agree, you don’t need one…
Making Recognition Work for You: Part 2

Making Recognition Work for You: Part 2

The Manager who approached me in Part 1 of this series had used his original question of ‘Sal, why do I have to…
Making Recognition Work for You: Part 1

Making Recognition Work for You: Part 1

Recognition in the workplace is a critical element toward creating a cohesive team.  So, the next several posts will deal with the…
Overcoming Challenges on Remote Teams: Part 2

Overcoming Challenges on Remote Teams: Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, we discussed some of the challenges of working on remote teams and ideas for getting your…
Orienting New Team Members

Orienting New Team Members

One of the fastest ways to get a new team member “up to speed” is to make the process intentional. In many…
A Hero has Passed

A Hero has Passed

Last week Dick Winters died at age 92. He was described in a Wall Street Journal article as the leader of a…
Align Your Team in 2011 – Part 1

Align Your Team in 2011 – Part 1

This is strange, Angela thought. Ben had never requested to meet with her alone. She grabbed her notebook, went to the kitchen…
Trying to be Invulnerable?

Trying to be Invulnerable?

We read about them every day – the charismatic, hard-driving leaders who have led their organization from the trenches into an amazing…
Getting Clear on Your Vision for the Team

Getting Clear on Your Vision for the Team

In almost any leadership book you read about, you’ll hear that having a vision is important. But, for many people, the idea…
Leading by Example? Avoid these Mistakes

Leading by Example? Avoid these Mistakes

One of the biggest mistakes leaders make is leading by email (or by texting or by a project management tool or by chat…