Tag: leadership development colorado

The Thing About Leadership…

The Thing About Leadership…

The thing about leadership is that its impact is often overlooked. In many organizations it’s written off as “fluffy” or “soft.” And, it’s…
The Reluctant New Manager: Part 3

The Reluctant New Manager: Part 3

In Parts 1 and 2, I focused on how new managers can begin to make the transition from being a team member…
You got to know when to hold’em, know when to fold’em

You got to know when to hold’em, know when to fold’em

I hear a lot about the importance of coaching in the workplace, and for the most part I agree that coaching an…
Don’t Oil the Squeaky Wheel

Don’t Oil the Squeaky Wheel

“The reality is that we spend far too much time as managers on rewarding the wrong thing. When you look at what’s…
Would you work for You?

Would you work for You?

I was recently at a meeting with a group of Human Resource executives, and one of the HR Directors mentioned that her…