Tag: sal silvester

What Guides You? These Will Help…

What Guides You? These Will Help…

Everything in life is a choice. How do you make your choices? What are they based on? When we are clear about…
Happy Thanksgiving: I am Grateful for You

Happy Thanksgiving: I am Grateful for You

Hello Everyone I wanted to wish you all a very healthy and happy Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving for me is a time of reflection…
Clarity of Purpose

Clarity of Purpose

What is your team’s purpose? What is your team supposed to do that no other team does? These are important questions for…
Would You Work for You? Part 2

Would You Work for You? Part 2

There are two common and costly mistakes leaders make that can result in a loss of credibility and trust. MISTAKE 1: Getting…


Go directly to each other with issues – in person. Give each other the benefit of the doubt. Keep the overall team/organizational…
More Thoughts

More Thoughts

Hold each other accountable. Don’t wait for the boss. It takes too long and generates politics. Find your singularity of purpose. If…
No Agenda? Seriously?

No Agenda? Seriously?

Are you tired of showing up at meetings and not knowing why you are there to begin with? That seems to be…
Overcoming Challenges on Remote Teams: Part 3

Overcoming Challenges on Remote Teams: Part 3

In my last two posts, we tackled a few challenges that remote teams face. Part 1 was focused on getting your remote team…
Overcoming Challenges on Remote Teams: Part 2

Overcoming Challenges on Remote Teams: Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, we discussed some of the challenges of working on remote teams and ideas for getting your…
Orienting New Team Members

Orienting New Team Members

One of the fastest ways to get a new team member “up to speed” is to make the process intentional. In many…