Tip #8: Delegate and Deliver

Sometimes it does seem easier to do it yourself. Delegating responsibilities and projects can take time and without clear communication, can lead to misunderstandings and negative results. But delegating does more than just balance the workload – it can help strengthen the bonds of your team. Delegating demonstrates trust and encourages development. It can make a team member feel that his or her job is important and essential to the success of the business unit. However, in order to achieve this result, delegating must be done effectively. Successful delegation requires skill. Here are a few tips:

1. Clearly communicate your expectations by emphasizing the “what” and the “why” of every task.
2. After you explain the task, ask for the team member’s view.
3. Confirm your team member’s understanding of the task.
4. Mutually agree upon a target completion date. If the task is complex, consider establishing checkpoints or milestones along the way. This will provide a framework for accountability.
5. Provide timely feedback when the task is done to generate an opportunity for personal growth and increased responsibility on future tasks.

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