Challenge & Community in the Workplace

Two Questions Every Leader Should Ask (& Answer)

Are you being challenged and experiencing growth at work?

Does your work have a bigger impact on our community and world?

The Needs of Fulfillment in the Workplace

In my next book coming out on February 28th, The Deeply Human Workplace, we explore 6 needs that we all have as human beings at work. When we tap into those human needs, we can create a team and organizational culture that enables people to thrive at work.

The last two needs that we explore in the book are what I call the needs of fulfillment. And they are directly related to the questions I just asked youChallenge & Community in the Workplaceabove.

These questions are so important, I want to stress them again:

  • Are you being challenged and experiencing growth at work?
  • Does your work have a bigger impact on our community and world?

We’ve known for years that a positive workplace culture cultivates productivity – and positivity. In an HBR article aptly titled “Proof That Positive Work Cultures Are More Productive,” the authors outline six essential six essential characteristics of a positive workplace culture.

Can you guess one of them? Actually, there are two that relate well to what I’m talking about here:

  • Inspiring one another at work
  • Emphasizing the meaningfulness of the work

These characteristics aren’t confined to the workplace: the positive impact of each one ripples out into our homes and communities.

We All Have an Opportunity to Make a Difference Now

I was working with an influential technology executive who was passionate about making a bigger impact in the world, yet she was frustrated because her company only focused on quarterly earnings and shareholder value.

She told me in a coaching conversation that when she retired, she wanted to be a professor. I asked her what she loved about the idea of being a professor, and her energy levels rose! She excitedly told me about being able to teach young people and help shape their thinking.

A Game-Changing Question to Ask in the Workplace

In response, I asked her, “Why don’t you just take all of the aspects you love about being a professor and do those things in the workplace now?”

I think we all have an opportunity right now in front of us to make a more significant difference in our world, using that platform that we already have.

And when we do that – and enable that for others – we will evolve as human beings and feel a deeper sense of purpose in our work.

That’s a deeply human workplace.

If this post has inspired you, I invite you to access a complimentary peek at chapter 1 of The Deeply Human Workplace:

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