Future of Leadership Blog

Happy Thanksgiving: I am Grateful for You

Happy Thanksgiving: I am Grateful for You

Hello Everyone I wanted to wish you all a very healthy and happy Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving for me is a time of reflection…
How to Show Gratitude

How to Show Gratitude

There couldn’t be a better week to talk about gratitude. So in the spirit of Thanksgiving, here are some ideas to show…
How Effective Are Your Meetings?

How Effective Are Your Meetings?

The challenge in many organizations is not just that there are too many meetings, but that there are too many poorly run meetings.…
Overwhelmed or Underwhelmed?

Overwhelmed or Underwhelmed?

When a team member is either overwhelmed with their work or underwhelmed, it can lead to a low level of engagement. In…
The Newest DiSC Profile is Here…

The Newest DiSC Profile is Here…

The Work of Leaders Made Simple: Vision, Alignment, and Execution. Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders™ is classroom training that uses online pre-work,…
Crunching the Numbers

Crunching the Numbers

According to the November 2011 issue of Inc. Magazine… 64% – Portion of customers who have walked out of a store because of…
When Feedback Doesn’t Work…

When Feedback Doesn’t Work…

I recently heard a client say, ” I have never seen an employee stick around after having been through a performance improvement…
Does Your Discipline Process Work (Part 4)?

Does Your Discipline Process Work (Part 4)?

In Part 1 of this blog series, I wrote about the underlying assumptions that makeup the positive discipline process. Part 2 was focused on overcoming…
Does Your Discipline Process Work (Part 3)?

Does Your Discipline Process Work (Part 3)?

In Part 1 of this blog series, I wrote about the underlying assumptions that makeup the positive discipline process. Part 2 was focused on overcoming…
Does Your Discipline Process Work? (Part 2)

Does Your Discipline Process Work? (Part 2)

In part 1 of this series, I presented some assumptions about how the positive discipline process should work. With this new set of…