Future of Leadership Blog

A Senior Leader Mistake: Hiring People Just Like You

A Senior Leader Mistake: Hiring People Just Like You

One of the costliest mistakes senior leaders make is hiring people who are just like them. The problem with this mistake is…
The 4-way Test

The 4-way Test

I had the good fortune of speaking at a local Rotary Club meeting last week, and at the end of the meeting…
Interested in using DiSC in your organization?

Interested in using DiSC in your organization?

One of the great offerings we provide our clients is the ability to train their internal trainers on how to use our…
The Glue to Alignment

The Glue to Alignment

I have talked a lot about the importance of alignment in my past newsletters and blog posts and how alignment creates focus,…
Controlling Your Personal Control Needs

Controlling Your Personal Control Needs

I recently wrote a three-part series on reluctant new managers. One cause of reluctance that I wrote about was due to a…
It’s here: our audio team building program for small businesses

It’s here: our audio team building program for small businesses

Maximizing Team Effectiveness Audio Program This program is designed for small teams or businesses who want to take their team to the…
There’s Still Time: Avoid the 5 Costliest Mistakes Teams Make

There’s Still Time: Avoid the 5 Costliest Mistakes Teams Make

Does your team suffer from: A lack of focus Hoarding resources within silos Marginalizing people in the work place A patchwork approach…
The 5 Costliest Mistakes Teams Make: Free Webinar

The 5 Costliest Mistakes Teams Make: Free Webinar

Date/Time: Wednesday, April 28th; 12:00 – 12:45 mountain standard time Are your teams struggling and as a result costing your organization millions each…
We Are Different

We Are Different

“I never really thought about how we were so different,” said Jen. “Just looking at this helps me understand you much more…
The Reluctant New Manager: Part 3

The Reluctant New Manager: Part 3

In Parts 1 and 2, I focused on how new managers can begin to make the transition from being a team member…