Future of Leadership Blog



Growth today is most likely going to be generated from improved productivity. What does that mean for your team? The dynamic and…
Inspiring Communication: Using More Than Words

Inspiring Communication: Using More Than Words

If you had to guess what percentage your words, tone of voice, and body language contributes to how a person understands your…
Inspiring Communication: Starting with Yourself

Inspiring Communication: Starting with Yourself

There is no shortage of technical skills in today’s workplace, but finding people who can effectively communicate, collaborate, and cooperate is a…
Geocaching: The High-tech Team Builder

Geocaching: The High-tech Team Builder

The Department of Defense built the first Global Positioning System (GPS) in the 1970’s. Consisting of 24 satellites that orbit the earth…
Focusing on Performance As a Tool for Growth

Focusing on Performance As a Tool for Growth

At 5.12 solutions, we believe that building strong teams requires a focus on People, Processes, Planning, and Performance. In fact, these 4…
Establish Your Route: Tracking Towards Your Desired Destination in the New Year

Establish Your Route: Tracking Towards Your Desired Destination in the New Year

Have you set your 2009 goals to help you track toward your desired destination, or will another year slip by where someone…
Do it Now!

Do it Now!

They say that ignorance is bliss, but, “they” (whoever they are) are wrong. Ignorance is fear – fear of facing what needs…
Hiring the Right Talent the First Time

Hiring the Right Talent the First Time

Talent. In its most simple definition talent is any individual who has the capability to make a significant difference to the current…
Achieving Peak Performance

Achieving Peak Performance

Several years ago I was asked to do some consulting for a Fortune 500 company. At issue was finding out why the…
Delegate and Deliver

Delegate and Deliver

Have you ever wondered why it is, that even with the most careful planning and organization, certain projects fail to achieve the…