Future of Leadership Blog

Tip #9: Put Me in Coach

Tip #9: Put Me in Coach

Managers are responsible for a lot these days – hiring staff, meeting budget targets, and achieving departmental goals. This is a strain…
Tip #10: From Peer to Manager

Tip #10: From Peer to Manager

“I used to be a member of this team. Now I’m the manager. Do I really have to discipline the non-performers?” Making…
Tip #11: Do the Hard Jobs First

Tip #11: Do the Hard Jobs First

Dale Carnegie once said, “Do the hard jobs first. The easy jobs will take care of themselves.” When it comes to leadership, one…
Tip #12: The Value of Open Communication

Tip #12: The Value of Open Communication

“Really great people make you feel that you too, can become great.” – Mark Twain There is abundant evidence to show the…
Tip #13: Advancement and Development = Retention

Tip #13: Advancement and Development = Retention

As a leader, if you want to keep a team member, there must be advancement and development available. Although career advancement is…
Tip #14: Delegation is a Leadership Skill

Tip #14: Delegation is a Leadership Skill

Delegating is a skill that all leaders need to maximize their effectiveness. Delegating benefits the team leader, the team member, and the…
Tip #15: Doing More with Less

Tip #15: Doing More with Less

During tough economic times, we are often asked to do more with less. How can you help your team be more productive?…
Tip #16: Retaining Winning Talent

Tip #16: Retaining Winning Talent

How can you help retain winning talent? • Help your leaders understand that retaining people is not an “HR” problem, but a…
Tip #17: Professional Goals Should Be Collaborative

Tip #17: Professional Goals Should Be Collaborative

I work with clients every week to help improve engagement, collaboration, retention, and productivity. And I know that when the term “performance…
My Life: How it Changed. How I Create It.

My Life: How it Changed. How I Create It.

I had already gone down the path of following some of my dreams. I’d moved to Colorado in 2001 where my passion for…