Tag: management retreats denver

Would You Work for You? Part 2

Would You Work for You? Part 2

There are two common and costly mistakes leaders make that can result in a loss of credibility and trust. MISTAKE 1: Getting…
An Interesting Duality

An Interesting Duality

One of the challenges that senior leadership teams face is what I call an “interesting duality.” On on hand, a senior leader…
Creating Your Team Purpose

Creating Your Team Purpose

In  my last blog post, I talked about a client I worked with in Fort Collins, Colorado and how important it is…
People-first™ Factor #1: Lead by Example

People-first™ Factor #1: Lead by Example

Have you ever had respect for a leader whose words did not match her actions? Have you ever had respect for a…
4 Reasons Why Team Building Fails

4 Reasons Why Team Building Fails

The concept of “team building” means different things to different people. Over the past 9 years I have spent a ton of…
A Senior Leader Mistake: Hiring People Just Like You

A Senior Leader Mistake: Hiring People Just Like You

One of the costliest mistakes senior leaders make is hiring people who are just like them. The problem with this mistake is…