3 Quick Tips to Achieve Your Goals This Year

3 Quick Tips to Achieve Your Goals This Year

We’ve all heard the discouraging stats about New Year’s Resolutions. The ones that tell us that 91% of people don’t achieve them. Or maybe it’s closer to 80% of us who fall short, some sources say.

Whatever the “official” number, most stats speak to the ineffectiveness of yearly resolutions.

I don’t really believe much in New Year’s resolutions. I prefer to look forward, to reset, to consider the New Year ahead with intention and clarity of purpose.

Ultimately, I believe in becoming the architect of your own life.

That’s why I emphasize a focus on goals, not resolutions.

3 Quick Tips to Achieve Goals Like a Pro:

Ready to create your best year yet? I know you are.

Here are 3 helpful tips to guide you on your journey.

1. Formally Establish Goals.

It’s worth it to invest the time in this foundational step, which will guide you as you build an action plan to achieve your goals.

Life is a little like mountaineering: it’s impossible to summit a peak if you don’t know where you are at any given point in time. Life is like that, too.

Establishing goals offers key benefits like:

    • A road map to take you to a clear destination with focus & intention
    • Greater control over where you want to go in life
    • An opportunity and challenge to grow personally and professionally

Tip: Challenge yourself to say no to status quo as you contemplate the goals you envision for yourself. YOU are the only person who can tell you what you can or can’t achieve…remember that.

2. Adopt The Right Attitude.

Be bold. Confident. Know the “why” behind your goal and let it motivate you. Attitude is everything. Cliché? Maybe…but those popular quotes about attitude ever-present on social media are rooted in truth.

The right attitude can help you stay the course when the going gets tough, standing firm against the fear of failure. If you do get derailed, the attitude you have can keep you grounded – empowering you to press on.

3. Keep Your Goals Alive.

Before you know it, we’ll be in the fourth quarter of the year. Don’t shelve your goals and let them collect dust in a far corner of your mind. Re-evaluate goals as the year goes on to keep them fresh in your mind – and your life. Consider:

1. Which goals, if any, need to be re-evaluated or adjusted for your life today?
2. What goals have been a success? Which haven’t? What factors contributed?
3. Fallen off track? What are three things you can do today to get back in the game?

Recently I aired a solo podcast where I went over a lot of these tips, if you want to listen to the whole episode, check it out here.

As we embark on 2023, I hope your New Year has started off well, with plenty of health, happiness, and of course…intention.

Now, I challenge you to ask: how will you make the most of 2023?

Start creating your best life yet. With only one decision, you can alter the entire trajectory of your life. That’s a powerful thought, isn’t it?



Need Help Establishing Meaningful Goals?

The Ultimate Goal Setting Guide is a powerful tool designed to help you create a vision for the life you want and create the goals and action plans to get there.

Get your complimentary Ultimate Goal Setting Guide to create your master plan for 2023 and beyond.



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