Archives: Testimonials

David Ivan, COO, AME Region at Vestas Technology company | Tech team

David Ivan

Really appreciate the expertise, focus and leadership Sal Silvester at 5.12 Solutions brought to our strategy deployment development session. He worked with us through planning, organization, execution and follow-up to ensure we had a simple, clear path forward for the teams. Thanks again and looking forward to our continued relationship as we progress on our […]

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Ben Hubbard, CEO & Co-founder at Parsyl Technology company | Tech team

Ben Hubbard

Sal has made an enormous impact on my leadership and our organization more broadly. He has a unique ability to listen, distill and guide in a way that is rooted in your personal and business specific context but also grounded in research and best practice. He is kind and caring, but also unafraid to speak […]

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Julian Hsu

We hired Sal Silvester for help with some team dynamics, using DiSC and other tools. We were originally planning to be in-person, but had to move to online due to the pandemic. Sal was a masterful facilitator — he was prepared, thoughtful and an expert on using the technology. Some of my colleagues were a […]

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Michael McNair

Michael McNair

We started working with Sal and his really great team team because we wanted to elevate our leadership effectiveness, operate at a higher level as an executive team and build our leadership bench to drive better business results. We tried a few different approaches prior to working with Sal and his team, and they didn’t […]

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Jen Keller

Jen Keller

Sal is a genuine, authentic and one-of-a-kind partner as he makes a consistent effort to continuously strengthen his relationship with our team. Through his commitment and thoroughness, Sal customizes content that fits within the objectives of our leadership programs and incessantly delivers at a high-level year-after-year. His ability to create meaningful and successful workshops in […]

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Pat Risner

Pat Risner

I have told so many stories about the work that my leadership team and I have done with Sal in the past. We all connected so well with his style and approach. Our work with Sal was incredibly useful, and we have treasured our experience together. It was the one leadership development experience for me […]

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Peter W. Albro

Peter W. Albro

I recently completed a 12-month executive coaching engagement with Sal and 5.12 Solutions. I benefited from Sal’s program in ways that far transcend my career and workplace. On a practical basis, I came away from the program with multiple day-to-day tactics for improving various management disciplines – in areas including time management, choice management and […]

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Tony George

Tony George

We worked with Sal recently on a project to help us build team alignment and to better understand our different communication styles. I think all of us were skeptical at the outset. But Sal has such a personable way of allowing people to buy-in at their speed, and to gently guide the conversations and sessions. […]

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Kane McCord

Kane McCord

Sal is a seasoned coach and excellent listener who routinely provides well researched and actionable advice. As a recipient of Sal’s coaching, I’ve seen first hand how our work together has improved and expanded my leadership capabilities. Additionally, Sal has delivered training to several dozen employees at our company and I’ve enjoyed watching these teammates […]

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Anil D'souza

Anil D’souza

We recently engaged 5.12 Solutions to work with our Senior Leadership Team and Extended Leadership Team. This was one of the best investments we’ve made for the company. We not only developed the skills to engage in more productive dialogue, but we now have 40 – 50 of our top leaders in the organization more […]

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