Future of Leadership Blog

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders

The Work of Leaders Made Simple: Vision, Alignment, and Execution.  Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders™ is classroom training that uses online pre-work, engaging facilitation with contemporary…
The Middle Management Gap

The Middle Management Gap

They are sometimes viewed as “caught in the middle.” And for good reason. Senior leaders above them impose strategy that they are…
Where’s the Vision?

Where’s the Vision?

I have written in the past about how “vision” often alludes leaders. “I’m not visionary” is something I often hear in my…
The Cost of Losing “Just” One Team Member

The Cost of Losing “Just” One Team Member

I am amazed at how many leaders don’t know the cost of losing good people. They often only associate administrative costs, recruiting…


A great way to develop as a leader is to practice. Yes, literally practice. For example, if you have found that you…
Faster Horses

Faster Horses

If Henry Ford held focus groups, people would have asked for faster horses.
“Just Getting Through the Day”

“Just Getting Through the Day”

“I spend so much time just getting through the day and don’t have time to think about long-term planning.” This is a…
Experiences, People, and Events

Experiences, People, and Events

As you seek to enhance your effectiveness, it’s important to look back on your life and understand how key experiences, people, and…
Are Leaders Born?

Are Leaders Born?

“Are leaders born?” This is an interesting question that I am often asked in the leadership development programs we run at 5.12…
Can or Can’t?

Can or Can’t?

Do your conversations typically start with “can” or “can’t?” One generates dialogue. The other shuts it down. If you answered “it depends,”…