Tag: leadership development

Virtual Team Members

Before and After the Leadership Transformation

Our programs produce millions of dollars of return on investment (ROI) for our clients. But it’s the emotional and personal transformation that…
Balancing Act

Interpersonal Agility: Balancing Multiple Teams

One of the challenges senior leaders face is that for the first time in their career they may find themselves on multiple…
Interpersonal Agility: The Foundation for Senior Leadership Relationships

Interpersonal Agility: The Foundation for Senior Leadership Relationships

As leaders rise to higher levels within an organization, they are required to navigate increasingly complex and chaotic situations. There are hand-offs…
Leadership Training Transitions – Denver

Leadership Training Transitions – Denver

I just kicked-off an 8-month leadership development program with a client in Denver, and one of our topics was about the “shifts”…
Leadership and General Petraeus

Leadership and General Petraeus

I received the following email from a participant in a recent leadership development program. “You made a comment about general Petraeus today…
corporate training materials

Leadership Development Book – Ignite!

I am very excited to announce that my book Ignite! The 4 Essential Rules for Emerging Leaders will be officially launched and widely…
The Middle Management Gap Part 2

The Middle Management Gap Part 2

In the first part of this article, published in our March newsletter, we talked about 4 challenges mid-level managers face. They are…
The Middle Management Gap

The Middle Management Gap

They are sometimes viewed as “caught in the middle.” And for good reason. Senior leaders above them impose strategy that they are…
Are Leaders Born?

Are Leaders Born?

“Are leaders born?” This is an interesting question that I am often asked in the leadership development programs we run at 5.12…
How self-aware are you?

How self-aware are you?

As you build your capacities as a leader it is critically important to enhance your level of self-awareness. Self-awareness is often equated…