Tag: team building colorado springs

What Guides You? These Will Help…

What Guides You? These Will Help…

Everything in life is a choice. How do you make your choices? What are they based on? When we are clear about…
The Choices We Make Create the Life We Live

The Choices We Make Create the Life We Live

I wanted to share a quote from a book called The Rythm of Life by Matthew Kelly. “Everything is a Choice. This is…
3 Ways to Derail Team Formation: Part 3

3 Ways to Derail Team Formation: Part 3

Here is the third excerpt from our recent article on 3 Ways to Derail Team Formation. In Part 1 of this post I talked about…
A Common Leader Mistake: Part 4

A Common Leader Mistake: Part 4

Another  common and costly leader mistake that can result in a loss of credibility and trust. MISTAKE: Solving problems others should solve.…
Clarity of Purpose

Clarity of Purpose

What is your team’s purpose? What is your team supposed to do that no other team does? These are important questions for…
Align Your Team in 2011 – Part 2

Align Your Team in 2011 – Part 2

The Leadership Story It had been almost three weeks since their last one-on-one, but having returned from India and with Angela’s sudden…
Creating Your Team Purpose

Creating Your Team Purpose

In  my last blog post, I talked about a client I worked with in Fort Collins, Colorado and how important it is…
Do You Understand Your Employees’ Expectations?

Do You Understand Your Employees’ Expectations?

Performance reviews are right around the corner. This year, make them more meaningful using our Workplace Expectations Profile. It’s a simple and…