Tag: team building colorado

Making Recognition Work for You: Part 1

Making Recognition Work for You: Part 1

Recognition in the workplace is a critical element toward creating a cohesive team.  So, the next several posts will deal with the…
Overcoming Challenges on Remote Teams: Part 4

Overcoming Challenges on Remote Teams: Part 4

The last three posts have been focused on overcoming challenges encountered on remote teams. Part 1 was focused on getting your virtual team…
Overcoming Challenges on Remote Teams: Part 3

Overcoming Challenges on Remote Teams: Part 3

In my last two posts, we tackled a few challenges that remote teams face. Part 1 was focused on getting your remote team…
Overcoming Challenges on Remote Teams: Part 2

Overcoming Challenges on Remote Teams: Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, we discussed some of the challenges of working on remote teams and ideas for getting your…
Overcoming Challenges on Remote Teams: Part 1

Overcoming Challenges on Remote Teams: Part 1

Working on teams where some or all team members are remote is becoming the norm rather than the exception. And frankly, having…
Orienting New Team Members

Orienting New Team Members

One of the fastest ways to get a new team member “up to speed” is to make the process intentional. In many…
Understand Team Type to Create Team Purpose

Understand Team Type to Create Team Purpose

I recently wrote a post about the importance of understanding your team’s purpose. After all, purpose drives everything. It drives what’s on…
Growth and Culture

Growth and Culture

With the economy recovering and business picking up, I have been asked the following question several times by clients and potential clients…
Align Your Team in 2011: Part 3

Align Your Team in 2011: Part 3

Things seemed to be changing quickly. In just a matter of three months, Ben was unexpectedly promoted from Consultant to Manager, Angela…
Team Size – Does it Matter?

Team Size – Does it Matter?

My clients often ask me,”How big should our team be?” My answer is typically…it depends. It depends on the purpose of the team. The…