Tag: coaching

How to Structure Your 1-1 Coaching Sessions

How to Structure Your 1-1 Coaching Sessions

As we wind down the year and look toward the next, there isn’t a better time to step up and engage more…
Get the Most from Your Coaching – A Colorado Perspective

Get the Most from Your Coaching – A Colorado Perspective

So, you decided to work with an executive coach to help you develop as a leader. Congratulations! This is likely to be…
5 Ways for Every Leader to be a Coach

5 Ways for Every Leader to be a Coach

The best leaders spend up to 20% of their time coaching their direct reports. It’s a responsibility that leaders all too often…
Garmin-Slipstream: Doing it Their Way

Garmin-Slipstream: Doing it Their Way

I can’t stop watching the Tour de France! As I mentioned in my previous post, what intrigues me most are the dynamics…